Here, I will describe only those situations which, in my opinion, will be most interesting in my career. So, for me there was the first serious target – closing of a production site, transportation of the equipment and construction on a new place of more modern production that was connected by sale of business by one owner to another. Thus the first owner put before me a problem to minimize losses connected with the termination of sales (debtors), closing of production and the personnel. The new owner stipulated - the minimum terms of construction and start of production, achievement in the first year of work of the new company of volume of production and sales not smaller, than before business purchase. Having summarized all tasks, I decided that the solution of one task can help with the solution of others so occurred in particular to the personnel and clients/buyers (including debtors). In 2 months prior to a stop of old production I brought together employees and reported to them about plans of closing of production. Having promised to accept those who is ready to move and participate in dismantle and building of new production in the new company, I asked to work during this period wholeheartedly. To those who didn't want to move to a new platform I promised the maximum assistance in employment in other departments of the old company. I as informed clients on the forthcoming changes (stop) in cooperation and promised to provide all their orders of production for the next 2-3 months for formation let a small "strategic" stock. As, I promised all clients the greatest possible favorable conditions after start of new production and asked them, for lack of the production, to cooperate with competitors, not to lose sales markets. I will not go deep into details, but having got of approval and support of employees and clients, I had no problems, neither with production, nor with "debt" of clients. Since volumes of shipments in recent months works of old production essentially increased, and interest of clients to production raised, after start of new production I managed to return quickly enough all the old and to involve new clients, having achieved, the planned sales volumes in the first year. As to dismantle, moving, construction and start of new production is there was a wide and invaluable experience for my future career. Work with the design and construction organizations, with foreign technical experts and supervising state authorities, provided me with additional knowledge thanks to which I didn't make subsequently mistakes when building the productions increasing prime cost of their future production. I will notice that 10 months were spent for all this, instead of six as it was planned initially, but it was my first experience of construction and production modernization. The conclusion of the contract on delivery of accessories to two known international companies which have opened own productions in Russia was the following, in my opinion, significant project. The main complexity consisted in complete misunderstanding specific requirements of the foreign companies and not less specific features of the Russian reality. The companies showed mass of the internal requirements which they show to suppliers worldwide, and declared their performance by an indispensable condition for the conclusion of the contract. Our company, being the leader in the region in production of similar production considered more than sufficient for the conclusion of the contract, to confirm the readiness for investments into building of the corresponding production (that competitors didn't presume at that time) and to guarantee good price conditions for the first years of cooperation. Requirements of the maximum guarantees of stability of quality of production, reliability of deliveries and an invariance of the prices within a year, seemed us then practically not feasible (considering serious penalties). Foreigners, without having alternative in Russia, were ready to import these accessories from Europe since assembly production didn't presume to itself even the minimum problems with suppliers. Understanding that in this case it is easier to lose, but also to get nothing, I signed both contracts …. On conditions of the signed contract Customer Company had the right to periodic control of our production, and also on control of our purchase prices (having similar productions in Europe, they very well were guided in prime cost of similar production). In a word, we still had unique possibility to get profit instead of losses, it constantly to increase efficiency, reducing cost of production. For this purpose I needed to study and introduce in the Company, except the ISO standards, some more other, effective methods of the organization and production control. I will add that if at the beginning, this business seemed very risky, in some years it became very profitable for the company of the supplier and opened the new directions of development. Complete reorganization of regional production became the following my successfully realized project: The purpose of this project was reorganization of existing production in the mildest terms. The owner considered the existing organization not profitable and unpromising (?). Production was in a fine condition but, in 10 years of successful existence in the market sales volumes fell because of sharp growth of the competition. At the same time, maintenance costs and service as it often happens, steadily grew. Production was a part of big Holding – the leader of the industry and, as a result, was not flexible in questions of fast changes. I faced the following tasks - long ago the created work collective (which didn't want changes), need of creation of the new organization of production, sales and managements, and as, forming of the new relations, both with Holding, and with clients (buyers). In two months it was developed, and, after approval by the owner, the following model of reorganization is realized: The company which has leased at Holding existing production was registered. The production personnel is transferred to the state of the new company, and its number is optimized. The new structure of sale and logistics, management and financial control is created. In two years, works of new structure, volume of production and sale increased in 3 times. Having the minimum staff, the company left on 2å a place in the region on output volumes, having overtaken many competitors. I want to describe one project which has not been connected with production: this example well illustrates idea of this site “the purpose = tasks + structure + competences + motivation”. Optimization of work of the design bureau (PKB) which tasks were - reduction of terms of design, improvement of quality and decrease in cost of design works was charged to me. It is obvious, what at reduction of terms and an exception of mistakes or "alterations", cost of design works decreases, but how?. (Having experience with designers, I don't consider myself as the professional in this area, and the volume of work was coming considerable – collective more than 70 people.) I came up against rather known situation – creative collective, and, the conventional opinion that “design – process exclusively creative both to any management and control not subject”! The first, on what I paid attention – motivation. At employees of PKB the salary depended on length of service, instead of from terms and quality of works. As a result, than it is less and more long (see. Motivation) the employee worked, especially "fair" it considered the amount of the earnings. As to quality, the designer even was interested available mistakes, is more exact in their subsequent corrections since for it obtained extra reward. About discipline – literally two words: employees came and left work in time, but that they did in working hours, the head didn't know even them. Design terms, at such organization, increased at least twice (and cost), and, taking into account the subsequent alterations, cost of design increased more than in 3 times. Except the missed benefit the Company lost reputation and competitiveness in the market. Nearly 6 months on the following changes were required: the new structure of PKB is introduced and qualifying requirements to the personnel, according to tasks are defined. Certification of the existing personnel and search of new experts is carried out. The system of the coordinated motivation of all divisions of PKB where the main criteria (KPI) of job evaluation were – terms, quality and satisfaction of the customer is developed. The system of account/management of prime cost / design is constructed. Development principles are formulated. I will not go deep into details, them was much. In the conclusion I will note that the listed changes, finally, were approved both the ordinary employees, and the top management since expenses of the Company were lowered, and the income of employees increased. And not only it … … Except described above, there were more many not less successful projects in various branches of business. |